Roma communities in England and Wales: 2021 Census (November 2024)
This paper summarises RSG’s analysis of 2021 census data on Roma in England and Wales, providing an overview of the national and local statistics on those who identified as Roma. The ONS has published detailed bespoke analysis of national data on the outcomes of the Roma population of England and Wales. The second half of this report supplements ONS analysis by focusing on the ten areas of England and Wales with the highest proportion of the national Roma population, showing how outcomes differ across localities
EU Settlement Scheme: Post-deadline experiences and challenges for the Roma communities in London (June 2024)
This report gathered information in relation to the EU Settlement Scheme shared with us between 2020 to 2024 by Roma people living in London. It highlights experiences Roma people have in relation to using the EUSS digital only status and challenges arising from new rules developed since the EUSS deadline.
Roma EU citizens in the UK: Ongoing struggles with the EU Settlement Scheme (May 2024)
This report was produced in 2024 by the University of Sheffield and Roma Support Group's Policy and Campaigns project. It outlines the struggles that Roma EU citizens continue to face when navigating the EU settlement scheme (EUSS). Our key message is that challenges related to the EUSS were still very real for Roma EU citizens in the UK in 2024, three years after the formal deadline for applications had passed, and significant challenges were likely to remain for a number of years to come. Many Roma EU citizens were without status or struggling to acquire it, including many individuals who had a Withdrawal Agreement right to status. Many Roma with status were struggling to prove it by navigating the novel EUSS ‘digital only’ process. And those supporting Roma locally faced significant capacity issues. The report recommends a number of reforms to EUSS that would make it far easier for Roma — and many other potentially vulnerable EU citizens in the UK — to both acquire and use status.
Roma Support Group and Law of Life evidence submitted for the Education Committee’s inquiry into children’s social care sector (February 2024)
This joint submission reflects Roma Support Group’s organisational experience and insights from their work and also draws on some of the findings from a collaborative mixed methods study, conducted by Law for Life, Anglia Ruskin University, and Lancaster University (Centre for Child and Family Justice Research), which examined the experiences of Roma families with child protection services in England.
Roma Financial Inclusion Project (2019-2022): Self-evaluation Report (October 2022)
Our three-year Financial Inclusion Project funded by the Henry Smith Charity ended in 2022. The Self-Evaluation Report was published in October 2022.
Lessons Learned: Supporting the Roma Community through Covid-19 (October 2021)
Roma Mental Health Advocacy Project (2015-2021): Self-evaluation Report (July 2021)
Our five-year Mental Health Advocacy Project funded by the City Bridge Trust ended in 2021. The Self-Evaluation Report was published in July 2021.
Falling Through the Gaps: the EU Settlement Scheme and the Case of Roma Communities in the UK (Report of an All-Party Parliamentary Group event held on 17th November 2020 (January 2021)
Published by the Roma Support Group and the GRT All-Party Parliamentary Group.
Engaging with the Roma Community on the EU Settlement Scheme: Toolkit for Local Authorities and Community Organisations (January 2021)
An Uncertain future for Roma rough sleepers in a post-Brexit UK (December 2020)
The European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA) has published its Winter 2020 Magazine in December 2020. This edition is focusing on experiences of homelessness for Roma individuals or families across the European Union. Roma Support Group has contributed to this edition highlighting the experiences of rough sleeping of Roma individuals and families across the UK.
Law Commission consultation on hate crime: Submission by Roma Support Group (December 2020)
The Roma Support Group has submitted a response to the Law Commission's consultation on whether hate crime laws should be reviewed. The consultation is more about the general principles behind the laws than about specific groups, but we've used the consultation to make some points about the Roma experience of hate crime and how the community could be supported better.
Briefing for Parliamentarians and local authorities: The EU Settlement Scheme and the Roma communities in the UK (November 2020)
A panel discussion to discuss the impact of the EU Settlement Scheme on the Roma communities in the UK was organised by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Gypsies, Travellers and Roma and the Roma Support Group and held on 17 November 2020 . You can watch YouTube footage of this event.
Statement on the impact of the EU Settlement Scheme's digital-only status on the Roma Community in the UK (October 2020)
This statement summarises the most important concerns that people form Roma communities have in relation to the EU Settlement Scheme's "digital only status". It also provides recommendations on what the UK Government could do to prevent issues arising. The information provided here was developed in collaboration with organisations providing EUSS support to Roma communities from across the country and networking within the Roma Brexit Campaign and Policy Project. (October 2020)
Roma Support Group's submission to Independent Chief Inspector for Borders and Immigration: A further inspection of the EU Settlement Scheme (July 2020)
In July 2020 the Independent Chief Inspector for Borders and Immigration launched a third call for evidence into the EU Settlement Scheme. See the RSG submission here.
The evidence submitted by RSG reflects:
The evidence submitted by RSG reflects:
- experiences of Roma communities in relation to the EUSS;
- experiences of organisations supporting Roma communities;
- most important concerns.
Brexit, EU Settlement Scheme and the Roma communities in the UK (June 2020)
This report was produced in June 2020 by the Roma Brexit Policy and Campaigning Project at the Roma Support Group. The report reflects the impact of the EU Settlement Scheme on the Roma communities in the UK.
Roma Civil Monitor Report - Year 3 - Roma and Brexit (2019)
This report was produced in December 2019 by Andy Shallice, RSG Policy and Information Worker.
Romaphobia/Antigypsysm: Roma and Hate Crime (2019)
In this report the Roma Support Group examines research conducted since 2016 by itself and other organisations into the social exclusion, prejudice and discrimination which Roma people continue to experience.
Evidence submitted to Parliament regarding PIP and ESA assessments (November 2017)
Roma Support Group service users highlight a number of issues with the assessment process for disability benefits. This report recommends a number of changes.
Roma Support Group submission to Women and Equalities Select Committee Inquiry into Results of the Race Disparity Audit (November 2017)
In November 2017 the Roma Support Group (RSG) made a submission to the Parliamentary Women and Equalities Select Committee (WESC). This was in response to the results of the Race Disparity Audit originally launched by the Prime Minister to look into racial disparities in public service provision with a view to ending the injustices experienced by many people.
Fulfilling Their Potential? Exclusion of Roma Pupils in the English Educational System: a Briefing Paper (October 2017)
Many Roma families think that England offers opportunities to young Roma which are denied in the country of their birth but Roma children’s experience of attending school can be difficult.
In October 2017 a report was produced by the Roma Support Group with the support of Barrow Cadbury Trust, looking at extensive evidence which indicates that Roma pupils are excluded from some English schools.
In October 2017 a report was produced by the Roma Support Group with the support of Barrow Cadbury Trust, looking at extensive evidence which indicates that Roma pupils are excluded from some English schools.
Awareness Programme for NHS staff; Working with Roma in Health and Safeguarding Context – Evaluation Report, August 2016 (March 2017)
This programme was supported by a Newham Together, 2016/17 Locality Funding Investment Plan grant. Newham Together is the Community Education Provider Network (CEPN) funded by Newham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Health Education in North Central and East London (HENCEL).
The Roma Support Group’s scheme ran from August 2016 to March 2017 and aimed to strengthen the quality and quantity of education for health and care workers through the delivery of Awareness Training Programme for NHS staff; Working with Roma in Health and Safeguarding context.
The Roma Support Group’s scheme ran from August 2016 to March 2017 and aimed to strengthen the quality and quantity of education for health and care workers through the delivery of Awareness Training Programme for NHS staff; Working with Roma in Health and Safeguarding context.
Supporting Roma Voices (December 2016)
Supporting Roma Voice (SRV) was a practice-led project delivered by the partnership of three agencies: University of Salford, Roma Support Group and the BHA. The aim of the project was to support the growth of grassroots community advocacy as part of the growth of an inclusive and engaged Roma community in the UK. It focused on four thematic areas: Community Relations, Housing, Education and Employment & Social Welfare.
Rough Sleeping Roma in the City of Westminster (June 2016)
This research project, carried out by the Roma Support Group from September 2015 until January 2016, aimed to address the key priorities of the City of Westminster with regards to reducing rough-sleeping amongst Romanian nationals of Roma ethnicity and understanding the ‘pull’ factors leading to rough-sleeping in this borough.
Education: A Roma Perspective (March 2016)
This resource is based on 17 years of projects working with Roma children, young people and their families in the area of education, aspiration and mentoring. During this time we have come across a number of inspiring young people and the dedicated professionals working to support them. However, regrettably, we continue to see situations where successful engagement can be complex and challenging.
The purpose of this resource is therefore to: introduce the Roma community to those who are unfamiliar; provide basic practical information with a view to professionals going on to develop their own understanding and body of resources; but most importantly: to give Roma young people a voice.
The purpose of this resource is therefore to: introduce the Roma community to those who are unfamiliar; provide basic practical information with a view to professionals going on to develop their own understanding and body of resources; but most importantly: to give Roma young people a voice.
The Impact on Roma Migrant Communities of Changes to Welfare and Entitlements (August 2015)
In 2014 the government announced several changes to the way in which EU migrant workers could access work-related benefits and social assistance programmes. Following this, the Roma Support Group led a national “call for evidence” about the impact of these changes. Our report, entitled The Impact on Roma Migrant Communities of Changes to Welfare and Entitlements, traces the changes that have been implemented, details the findings of the “call for evidence” and concludes with a series of recommendations.
East European Roma Health Awareness Guide (2015)
Our East European Roma Health Awareness Guide, published in 2015, provides essential information about Roma health
in the context of history, culture and tradition. It aims to help health professionals engage with Roma families in a positive way, while also acknowledging that the Roma are a diverse group and that no one engagement strategy will be applicable to all patient-practitioner relationships. The guide gives special attention to the impact of culture, tradition and communication on health-related behaviours and use of services, providing a framework for identifying culturally sensitive methods for providing services to Roma individuals.
in the context of history, culture and tradition. It aims to help health professionals engage with Roma families in a positive way, while also acknowledging that the Roma are a diverse group and that no one engagement strategy will be applicable to all patient-practitioner relationships. The guide gives special attention to the impact of culture, tradition and communication on health-related behaviours and use of services, providing a framework for identifying culturally sensitive methods for providing services to Roma individuals.
Roma Support and Engagement Programme, Final Evaluation Report (August 2014)
The Roma Support and Engagement Programme was funded by The Department for Education for the period 2011 -2013. The programme’s findings can be seen in the Roma Support and Engagement Programme’s Final Report.
Roma Mental Health Advocacy Project Evaluation Report published by the Roma Support Group, 2012
Our three-year Mental Health Advocacy Project funded by The King’s Fund ended in 2011. We are pleased to announce that our Roma Mental Health Advocacy Project Evaluation Report is now available to download.
Action Research Report published by the Roma Support Group, 2011
We are pleased to announce that our Action Research Report, entitled Improving Engagement with the Roma Community, funded by the London Civic Forum / National Empowerment Partnership is now available to download.
Roma Mentoring Project Evaluation Report published by the Roma Support Group, 2009
The Roma Mentoring Project was funded by The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund for the period 2006-2009.