Click the headings below to see more information:
Our Articles
- "And nobody throws stones at them": Polish Roma Migrants and their contribution to Roma/Gypsy/Traveller politics in the United Kingdom - by Thomas Acton and Sylvia Ingmire
- Does God love Roma? - by Sylvia Ingmire
- EU families and Eurochildren in Brexiting Britain - by Marie Godin and Mihai Calin Bica, January 2019
- Roma Support Group - Case Study and an Individual Story in: HEAR Intersectionality Research Report, June 2014 (see links at bottom of the page)
- Why Roma provide an opportunity for Northern Ireland by Andy Shallice & Zoe Santa Cruz McGivern, Integrate NI, April 2015
Articles About Our Work
- A rare celebration of Roma culture (
- Bend it like Beckham! The Newham Mag, Issue 109, 18 November 2006 -
- Children of Roma (Druglink Vol 25 Issue 6 November/December 2010)
- Goals and glory for London's Roma FC (
- Growing and Sustaining Self Help (Report by the Community Development Foundation, 2010)
- Gypsy, traveller and black Caribbean pupils at least twice as likely to be permanently excluded from school, figures show. Independent, 31st July 2020
- How to reach the hard to reach - Young Roma
- Mihai Bica's Story: Taking on Anti-Roma Prejudice (Migrant Voice 17/8/2017)
- My Faith Story: Anna Krawczyk (
- Orchestra helps create harmony for Roma children in east London - Guardian, 24 November 2015
- Roma Group AGM Helps Build Community, Community, a Newsletter for the Community and Voluntary Sector in Redbridge, Redbridge CVS, January 2015 (see page 3)
- Roma youth in the UK burning down the library - Original source: openDemocracy 50.50 People on the move (
- Romafest! In the square - Metrotravel, 17 August 2004
- Scores! Increasing refugee participation in sports activities - from the Refugee Council and the Football Foundation - Issue 5, Aug-Dec 2012
- The UK Government's response to the EU framework on national Roma integration strategies by Marc Willers and Owen Greenhall (
- VSF Case Study of "The Roma Support Group" - March 2012
Produced by Roma Support Group
- Reflections about the situation of Roma during the COVID-19 pandemic (by Daniel Banceanu, October 2020)
- From coronavirus to the hostile environment, the chronically overlooked Roma community has been completely abandoned (article by Mihai Calin Bica in the Independent, May 2020)
Produced by other organisations
- Coronavirus, Latest NHS Guidelines Translated into 51 Languages (Doctors of the World)
- Roma in the COVID-19 Crisis - An Early Warning from Six EU Member States (Open Society Foundations, 2020)
- "The UK activists creating multilingual coronavirus content" (, 23 April 2020)
- "Social distancing with tear gas and walls: the 'racist, hateful, and life-threatening campaign' unleashed against the Romani with Covid-19" (, 5 May 2020)
- "Europe's marginalised Roma people hit hard by coronavirus" (Guardian, 11 May 2020)
- Roma persecution intensifies during the Coronavirus pandemic in Europe (The World, 24 August 2020)
- "How Gypsies were left behind amid the pandemic" (This article, by Adele Walton for HUCK Magazine, explores how the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community have been neglected since the pandemic started. The Roma Support Group shares experience of the economic and educational impact which Covid-19 has had on Roma. 25 January 2021)
- The Roma, COVID-19 and lockdown impact: Scotland Report (Ando Glaso, 2021)
- Media Speculation in the UK and Its Effect on the Roma Society
- Roma and Traveller population still being persecuted in Europe (
- Roma face persecution in Europe, says Amnesty - (
- Roma Integration and Evidence-based Policy Making, Annabel Tremlett, King's College London, 2014
- Roma shown to be Europe's poorest and most reviled people - (
- Learning Resource produced in collaboration with the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, 2019
- Czech Republic faces Charges of Discrimination against Roma Children at EU court, Minority Rights Group International, 17 January 2007 -
- Gypsy, traveller and black Caribbean pupils at least twice as likely to be permanently excluded from school, figures show. Independent, 31st July 2020
- Importance of Getting Roma Children into Schools Early, Iliana Sarafian, Arthur Ivatts, Open Society Foundation, November, 2015
- Inequality in Education for Czech Roma Children, Givology at GW, 29 March 2011
- Activism, Participation and Security among Roma and Sinti Youth, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, October 2015
- Amnesty International reports on Scottish Gypsy Travellers
- At Risk: Roma and the Displaced in southeast Europe
- Barabaripen: Young Roma speak about multiple discrimination, Roma Youth Action Plan, Council of Europe, 2014 (pdf document)
- Being Fair, Faring Better: Promoting Equality of Opportunity for Marginalized Roma, World Bank, 2016
- Civil Society Monitoring Reports (National Roma Integration Strategies and Country Reports, 2017-2018)
- Civil Society Monitoring on the Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies in the UK in 2012 and 2013, Andrew Ryder, Sarah Cemlyn, National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups, University of Bristol, 2014 (pdf document)
- Coercive and Cruel: a Report by the European Roma Rights Centre, November 2016
- ENAR Policy Paper on ‘Roma Inclusion’
- Ensuring Access to Rights for Roma and Travellers: the Role of the European Court of Human Rights: a Handbook for Lawyers Defending Roma and Travellers. Council of Europe, 2009
- Fact Sheet on the Situation of Roma/Gypsies/Travellers in the United Kingdom, European Roma and Travellers' Forum, 2015
- Gypsy, Traveller and Roma Experts by Experience: Reviewing UK Progress on the European Union Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies, Pauline Lane, Siobhan Spencer, Adrian Jones, Anglia Ruskin University, 2014 (pdf document)
- Handbook for Improving the Living Conditions of Roma at the Local Level, European Commission, The World Bank, 2015
- Household vulnerability estimates of Roma in southeast Europe
- Kent Roma Group Consultations Final Report, Rebecca Harding, August 2015.
- Mapping the Roma Community in Scotland, Final Report, The Social Marketing Gateway, 26 September 2013 (pdf document)
- Migrant Roma in the United Kingdom: Population size and experiences of local authorities and partners, Philip Brown, Lisa Scullion and Philip Martin, University of Salford, 2013
- Monitoring the human rights situation of Roma in Ukraine (Country Report), International Charitable Organization Roma Women Fund "Chiricli", 2014
- The Most Persecuted Minority in Europe: An Assessment of Roma Rights in Europe, Global Minorities Alliance, 2015 (pdf document)
- Nowhere to Turn: the Situation of Dom Refugees from Syria in Turkey, Yesim Yaprak Yildiz, September 2015
- Report on Community Consultation Exercise with Roma Groups across Scotland, West and Scotland Equality Council, October 2013 (pdf document)
- The Report on the Situation of Roma Community in Poland – March 2012
- Roma communities and Brexit: Integrating and Empowering Roma in the UK, Institute for Public Policy Research, October 2016
- Roma MATRIX project, 2015 - Final Outputs
- Roma MATRIX project, 2015 - Final Research
- The Social and Employment Situation of Roma Communities in Slovakia, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, April 2020
- An assessment of the needs of children from traveller and gypsy communities in Waltham forest - by the London Gypsy And Traveller Unit commissioned by Waltham Forest Children's Fund Partnership Board
- Education of Roma children in Europe - Towards quality education for Roma children: transition from early childhood to primary education, (Report by UNESCO and COUNCIL OF EUROPE Expert Meeting)
- Good Practice in Working with the Roma Community: How Babington Community College engages with the Roma Community (pdf document)
- Gypsy, Roma & Traveller children in the Welsh school system: promoting equality and tackling racism – a toolkit for teachers and practitioners (Simbo, Bennett & Pidcock: Show Racism the Red Card in Wales; February 2016) (pdf document)
- Improving Education Outcomes for Pupils from the New Roma Communities, Mark Penfold, Babbington College, Leicester, British Council, February 2015
- Improving educational outcomes for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils: what works?, Department for Education, 2009 (pdf document)
- National Strategies: Raising the achievement of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Pupils (00102-2008DVD-EN), DCSF, 2008
- Overcoming barriers: ensuring that Roma children are fully engaged and achieving in education, Ofsted, December 2014, No. 140195 (pdf document)
- Progress report by the ministerial working group on tackling inequalities experienced by Gypsies and Travellers, Department for Communities and Local Government, 2012
- Raising Eastern European Gypsy/Roma Achievement: A Guide for Educational Practitioners, Bolton Council, Community Cohesion and Traveller Education (Word document)
- Roma and Education, Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre, March 2014 (pdf document)
- Roma Communities in Ireland and Child Protection Considerations. Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre, November 2012 (pdf document)
- Slovakia: still separate, still unequal: violations of the right to education of Romani children in Slovakia - Amnesty International, November 2007 (pdf document)
- Telegraph Voices: Special Debate on Sheffield's Roma Community, Sheffield Telegraph, January 2017
- Unlock their Future, End the Segregation of Romani Children in Slovakia’s Schools, Amnesty International, September 2010 (pdf document)
- Ureche, H. and Franks, M.: This is who we are: A study of the experiences of Rroma [sic], Gypsy and Traveller children throughout England, The Children’s Society, 2007
- What’s working for Roma in school: a Network Learning Book, Jane Murphy, in partnership with six Manchester schools, 2013
- Wilkin, A et al: Improving the outcomes for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils: final report,
- Xeno-racism and the Scourge of School Exclusion, Institute of Race Relations, January 2017
- A Qualitative Study of the Health Experience of Gypsy Travellers in the UK with a Focus on Terminal Illness (University of Warwick/Gypsy and Traveller Law Reform Coalition)
- Avoiding the Dependency Trap - (United Nations Development Programme
- Bath and North East Somerset Gypsy, Traveller, Boater, Showman and Roma Health Survey 2012-2013 (Bath and North East Somerset Health Authority)
- Cabinet Office, Social Exclusion Task Force – Inclusion Health: Evidence pack (Information about the RSG Pacesetters Project appears on page 49)
- Challenging Barriers and Misconceptions: Roma Maternal Health in Ireland, March 2014
- Ethical issues in communication of diagnosis and end-of-life decision-making process in some of the Romanian Roma communities (abstract only)
- Evaluation Final Report Health and the Roma Community, analysis of the situation in Europe, Dinamia consultoría social, financed by the European Union within the framework of the Public Health Programme, 2009
- Health and Social Care Needs Assessment of Eastern European (including Roma) individuals living in Barking and Dagenham Final Report
- Health and the Roma Community, Analysis of the Situation in Europe Final Report, ROMA HEALTH 2006 342, Project funding from the European Union in the framework of the Public Health Programme, Fundación Secretariado Gitano, Madrid, December 2009
- Health and the Roma Community, Analysis of the Situation in Europe: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain - Fundación Secretariado Gitano, Madrid, December 2009
- HM Government Report – Inclusion Health: Improving the way we meet the primary health care needs of the socially excluded (Information about the RSG Pacesetters Project appears on page 14)
- Informing the design of a national screening and treatment programme for chronic viral hepatitis in primary care: qualitative study of at-risk immigrant communities and healthcare professionals.
- Pacesetters Programme Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Core Strand, Evaluation Report for the Department of Health - Van Cleemput, P. Bissell, P. Harris, J.,Public Health Section ScHARR, The University of Sheffield, April 2010
- Perspectives on Ageing in Gypsy Families (Joseph Rowntree Foundation)
- Roma Health Report, August 2014 - Health status of the Roma population: Data collection in the Member States of the European Union
- Standards for Commissioners and Service Providers, The Faculty for Homeless and Inclusion Health, Version 3 Revised, February 2018
- Supporting the Voice of the Roma Community in Newham: Improving Health Services for Migrant Community: a Commissioning Approach, Shahan Islam and Gema Newby, Mind in Tower Hamlets and Newham, March 2015
- The Health Status of Gypsies and Travellers in England - by the Department of Health Inequalities in Health Research Initiative, The University of Sheffield
- The socio-economic determinants of the health status of Roma in comparison with non-Roma in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania
- Travellers and End of Llife Care (Hospice Foundation)
- Good practices in social inclusion through empoyment
- Practitioner Briefing 1: Adult Learning and Vocational Training
- Practitioner Briefing 2: Multi-Agency Needs Based Practice
- Practitioner Briefing 3: Prioritising Education
- Practitioner Briefing 4: Linking with Businesses & Tailoring to Employer's Needs
- Practitioner Briefing 5: Supported Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise
- Accesul romilor la servicii de sanatate publica – Dr. Bogdan Punescu, Raport Final, Centrul Romilor pentru Politici de State - SASTIPEN, Acest document este realizat în cadrul proiectului “Evaluarea accesului romilor la serviciile de sanitate public?”
- Nucete a Krute: Zprava Evropskeho Centra pro Prava Romu, 2016
- Perché Dio ha creato gli zingari? - Di Sylvia Ingmire, Aprile 2001
- Romske Deti Ve Zvlastnich Skolach, Diskriminace Trva, Hospodarske Noviny, Czech Republic, 2009
- Sanatatea si comunitatea roma – Marius Wamsiedel, Cristina Jitariu, Simona Barbu, Tiberiu Cnab. Analiza a situatiei din Romania, Romani CRISS, financed by the European Union within the framework of the Public Health Programme, Madrid 2009
- Zakladni skolu dokonci dva ze tri Romu, gymnasium jich studuje osm z tisice,,aktualizovano 29. prosince 2010